[Foundation-l] Controversial content software status - the image filter disguised under a new label

Tobias Oelgarte tobias.oelgarte at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 13 09:20:45 UTC 2012

Am 13.03.2012 03:39, schrieb Andreas Kolbe:
> It's not me who's uploading hundreds of pornographic media onto Wikimedia
> sites. There are places for porn online, just like there are places for
> online poker, and amateur digital art. I have no problem with any of them.
> But listen to yourself – you are accusing me of prudery because I say that
> as a tax-exempt educational website we should be handling porn and other
> explicit content as responsibly – no more, no less – as Google, YouTube or
> Flickr.
> Are the adult media sharing groups in Flickr populated by prudes? I don't
> think so. But are they in favour of abandoning the Flickr rating system?
> No. Are Google right-wingers? No, and they happen to be among our biggest
> donors and benefactors.
> Your "porn must be freeeee ...." stance puts you into a fringe corner from
> the perspective of which the entirety of mainstream society looks like a
> bunch of dastardly right-wing prudes.
> Andreas
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No. I'm not accusing you for prudery, but for making wrong cited 
statements. Your assumption is that we have to sacrifice neutrality to 
please a audience that doesn't want to see that it is looking for... 
Great start!

No one said that ""porn must be freeeee ...."" (double quote, because of 
a quote of a quote, that never was a quote to begin with). All we said 
was: Every content has to be treated as equal.

What you do is just anti porn lobbying and nothing else. It is not for 
the benefit of the project. Your current aim is to change/sacrifice the 
original goal of the project, while arguing that it would be for the 
benefit to reach more users. But what is price of a book that only 
contains what you already know or want to see in the context of 
education? It's not worth a Cent. It's a failed mission.

nya~ (said the cat as it faced a palm)

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