[Foundation-l] Controversial content software status - the image filter disguised under a new label

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 13:07:45 UTC 2012

On 12 March 2012 12:28, Richard Symonds
<richard.symonds at wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:

> deepest parts of the US bible belt, and areas such as Pakistan and India,
> which have sizeable English-speaking populations and a very strong religious
> vein. With such a diverse worldwide readership on one language, it is only
> natural that people from the bible belt /do/ have a say in whether or not
> having an image filter is appropriate. We owe it to these people to make
> sure that Wikipedia is not blocked in their countries.

You're describing places in terms of fundamentally rejecting the
Enlightenment. General encyclopedias, starting from l'Encyclopedie,
are an Enlightenment project. Ultimately, we can't cripple Wikipedia
for the world because some parts of it are not happy with the idea of
people being allowed to know stuff in general.

- d.

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