[Foundation-l] Wikipedia Scholarship in Medicine

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 11:19:15 UTC 2012

James Heilman, 12/03/2012 11:07:
> Seven month ago we at Wikimedia Canada offered a $1000 CAD scholarship to
> be awarded to the Canadian university student who made the most significant
> contribution to a disease related article on Wikipedia. The scholarship was
> promoted using posters placed up at a number of Universities as well as
> presentations at two Canadian universities. While the efforts garnered some
> positive press as document here
> http://wikimedia.ca/wiki/Wikimedia_Canada:About there where no serious
> applicants. I am unsure why. It could possibly be related to Canadian
> students being sufficiently wealthy that this was insufficient funding to
> peak their interest. I am unsure if it would be worth offering it globally
> next year or expanding those who can apply to high school students as well?
> Anyway some though for those who consider trying something similar.

This is not surprising. The https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Zedler_Medal 
has existed for a long time
See also http://etherpad.wikimedia.org/incentives (wasn't this put 
anywhere?), from 


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