[Foundation-l] Bangla Wikipedia Unconference 2012 in Chittagong

Noopur noopur.raval at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 09:24:19 UTC 2012

That is great Tanvir :) Good going!

On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 11:44 AM, Tanvir Rahman <wikitanvir at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I am so pleased to announce that Wikimedia Bangladesh, with the help of
> Independent University, Bangladesh, Chittagong, and Bangladesh Open Source
> Network, organized the first Bangla Wikipedia Unconference 2012 [1] in
> Chittagong [2] to promote Bangla Wikipedia [3] in Bangladesh. This outreach
> event was held in 2 and 3 of March and was attended by around 300
> participants. It was first big-level program of Wikimedia Bangladesh and it
> was outside of the Dhaka (the capital) to focus on country-wide outreach.
> We called it an "unconference" to give it a less formal look and to make
> the appearance more welcoming.
> This two days event was inaugurated by the Chittagong City Mayor and and in
> the last it was attended by the Since and Technology minister of Bangladesh
> Government. It was also attended by some other popular public figures,
> writers, and university professors, and media personalties. During the
> unconference we had events like workshops, photo exhibition, cultural
> program, seminars, article writing contest, etc. We had several teams from
> the schools, colleges, and universities in Chittagong as team participants.
> The unconference was hosted by Chittagong campus of Independent University,
> Bangladesh. You can see the some of the images of the events in the Commons
> category [4].
> Because of the presence of the popular public figures and government
> officials, the event got a significant amount of media coverage in national
> print and electronic media. We also even had billboards in the city's main
> crossings to let people know about Bangla Wikipedia which was the main
> purpose of this event and current strategic priority of Wikimedia
> Bangladesh.
> Wikimedia Bangladesh wants to thank everyone who supported us. We want to
> thank our sponsors and donors who helped us to arrange this big event. We
> want thank Wikimedia Foundation director Sue Gardner for her nice video
> speech that we screened in the inaugural ceremony. And of course to our
> participants, who eventually made this effort a success. And I apologize to
> let you guys know about this event in late. We are still working on putting
> everything on wiki.
> Regards,
> Tanvir Rahman
> Wikitanvir on Wikimedia
> Secretary,
> Wikimedia Bangladesh
> [1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Bangla_Wikipedia_Unconference_2012
> [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chittagong
> [3] http://bn.wikipedia.org
> [4]
> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Bangla_Wikipedia_Unconference_2012
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Noopur Raval
Arts and Aesthetics
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Ph: 9650567690

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