[Foundation-l] Controversial content software status

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Wed Mar 7 21:00:19 UTC 2012

On 3/7/12 6:52 PM, Juliana da Costa José wrote:
> so it would be not longer possible too, to have medical pictures f.e. from
> surgeries, organs or corpses, because they could frighten people?
I don't think anyone's proposing that the information should be removed 
from articles; just that there should be some tools available in 
people's account settings.

I personally would be happy to turn off images in medicine-related 
articles by default for my own browsing, because they aren't greatly 
informative most of the time, and just pointless gore--- if, for 
example, I'm reading about skin diseases, "another generic open sore 
photo" doesn't add a lot of content to my reading. Of course, I would 
like photos available for inspection when I do need them.


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