[Foundation-l] Chapter Selected Board Seats - Time for questions

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki at gmail.com
Sat Mar 3 22:40:21 UTC 2012

Michael Peel, 03/03/2012 22:56:
> If I'm wrong here, then I would really welcome corrections. But I really don't like that the requirement of keeping the decisions made by this this process is being put on the Wikimedia chapters rather than the Wikimedia Foundation. It may be that this issue has arisen due to a misunderstanding between the Wikimedia chapters and the WMF, but please don't think that this confidentiality is solely due to the chapters here.

I don't see why someone should think so. Nobody seemed to imply that 
chapters needed to be influenced by some mysterious external force to 
make this decision.
I've not been the private lists after the first appointments seats, so i 
don't know all the most recent details, but this seems to me a natural 
evolution of the selection process now that it's getting more robust.
There were and still are very good reasons to keep the process partly 
private, and also to keep it public. It's a good thing that chapters now 
felt they can conduct in public, so I agree with the previous posters to 
this thread; on the other hand, the results of such a decision will need 
to be evaluated after its conclusion, of course.


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