[Foundation-l] New Models of Affiliation update

Bishakha Datta bishakhadatta at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 17:48:29 UTC 2012

Dear all,

A quick update on New Models of Affiliation for the Wikimedia Movement
since the publication of the board letter on 13 Feb. The letter is at
http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_affiliation_models. From the
emails responding to this, SJ and I extracted a number of relevant
questions that are slowly being discussed on the talk page.

A small informal working group is aiming to move this discussion forward in
the next 15 days. We are:

Bence Damakos - ChapCom
Bishakha Datta - WMF Board
Joan Goma - Amical
Sam Klein - WMF Board
Delphine Menard - WM DE, ChapCom
Achal Prabhala - ChapCom advisor
Marcos Talles - WM ES
Galileo Vidoni - WM AR

Our aim is to discuss and progressively fine-tune the draft proposal on New
Models of Affiliation for the Wikimedia Movement. Each of the members is
already part of this  discussion, has expressed a deeper interest in the
issue, or is likely to be affected by it.

We will conduct our discussions on meta at
http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wikimedia_affiliation_models as per the
following timetable:

*2.1 Affiliation models, names, and overlaps
Deadline to add our comments and additional questions to this section: 2

 *2.2 Requirements for recognition
Deadline to add our comments, more questions to this section: 4 March

*2.3  Rights and duties *
Deadline for our comments and questions: 6 March

*2.4 Overlaps and privileged status within a region *
Deadline for c and q: 8 March

*2.5 Membership, communities and collaboration*

Deadline: 10 March

*2.6 Mentoring and review*
Deadline: 12 March

*2.7 Governance*
Deadline: 14 March

It would help us immensely if any of you with an interest in this issue
would participate in the meta discussion as per the time-table above.
(Broken into bite-sized pieces to ensure we can focus on smaller bits; the
whole thing is a lot to chew off at once). I will continue to announce the
smaller bits at the start of each to stimulate participation - and get back
next week on steps after 14 March.

We hope this will help us develop the New Models of Affiliation draft
proposal into a solid set of recommendations and look forward to your
interest and participation.


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