[Wikimedia-l] IRC office hours "The future of e-mail usage in Wikimedia projects" 2012-07-18 16:30 UTC

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 11:58:38 UTC 2012

Risker, 26/06/2012 03:55:
> There are sometimes good reasons for holding office hours consistently at a
> specific time, most particularly if there is a desire to draw in editors
> from a certain geographic area, or if that is the time that a specific
> language group finds most convenient. [...]

Don't forget the efficiency of calendarization [does this word even 
exist in English?]: it's way easier to organize yourself if the date and 
time is always the same. Of course this doesn't help if you're 
constantly busy at work or asleep at that time. ;)


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