[Wikimedia-l] Wikipedia in education - for the young and the young at heart

Elly Koepf elly.koepf at wikimedia.de
Fri Jun 22 13:35:41 UTC 2012

Dear all,
Dear activists for free knowledge in education,

since we are new to this list:  first a "Hello" to all of you!

Throughout the last years Wikimedia Deutschland has gained a lot of
experience in the educational field. Working in this sector, we had a lot
of different programs and activities running quite separated and isolated.
In the last year we collected this know-how and combined  these efforts.
Coming from this idea of separated programs, our perspective is now, to
follow a wider approach in education and to overcome the very specialized
approach we have followed before. This step was helpful for the development
of all running programs and the effective distribution of needed resources
in education at Wikimedia Deutschland (until the end of 2011, these were
highschool teachers/students, elderly people and universities).  It makes
our work more efficient leveraging all synergies and helped us to be
accessable not only for special target groups but for all people!

We are only following this approach for a few months and many things are
new to us, but we are sure that other chapters and Wikipedians also have
similar success-stories to share in education. It would be very helpful to
exchange ideas and approaches between different partners in the wikimedia
movement active in the educational sector and get feedback to ideas
concerning educational activities.

A good opportunity to meet is the Wikimania 2012 in Washington.
Here we will offer a meeting table on Thursday July 12th called “Wikipedia
in education” where we can get together. See more and sign in

If you are not able to join this year’s Wikimania we are open to hear
feedback from you and to discuss questions and ideas. Let’s collaborate in
the educational global wikimedia movement!
We are looking forward to meeting some of you soon to share our knowledge.


Elly Köpf and Denis Barthel
(and sorry for crossposting)

i.A. Elly Köpf

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | Obentrautstraße 72 | 10963 Berlin
Tel. (030) 219 158 260


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