[Wikimedia-l] Who invoked "principle of least surprise" for the image filter?

Richard Symonds richard.symonds at wikimedia.org.uk
Wed Jun 13 20:32:19 UTC 2012

Not sure, but I think it's the principle of least /astonishment/ - which
may be an important difference...

Richard Symonds
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On 13 June 2012 21:30, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:

> I was looking over old discussions, and wondered: who originally came
> up with the notion that the "principle of least surprise" should apply
> to educational content? If it existed before Wikimedia, who introduced
> it to the image filter discussion, on what rationale?
> [Personally I think it's an inanity - an education that doesn't turn
> your head upside down might as well be basket weaving - and it's too
> easily applied to shocking and outrageous concepts that children
> shouldn't be exposed to, like homosexuality or rights for minorities -
> but I could of course be convinced I'm wrong.]
> - d.
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