[Wikimedia-l] Russian Wikipedia goes on strike

Fred Bauder fredbaud at fairpoint.net
Wed Jul 18 11:47:48 UTC 2012

> But that is not all. The most important issue is extremism. According to
> the bill, the materials, that are banned for distribution in Russia
> should be included to the register of banned information on the ground of
> the court decision, banning the distribution of that information in
> Russia. We already have such court decisions and a list of extremist
> materials, distribution of which is prohibited in Russia. That list
> contains some really nasty materials, as e.g. nazi propaganda, but also
> Islamic texts (including those of famous non-terrorist Islamic authors
> e.g. Said Nursî), Saentologist, Jehova’s witnesses , Falun Gong,
> letters and materials of opposition in Russia, works of contemporary art,
> etc.

"letters and materials of opposition in Russia" That is the issue. It's
Russian McCarthyism.


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