[Wikimedia-l] Meet up in San Fran

James Heilman jmh649 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 22 04:59:29 UTC 2012

*WikiProject Medicine / Wiki Med Foundation / UCSF College of Medicine is
having Events Jan. 8-11 in San Francisco at the UCSF Medical Campus:*

*Wikipedia/Wikimedia and Medicine Overview by me *(repeats every day at
12-1PM on Fri. in N217****
12-1PM on Tues. and Thurs. in Toland Hall****
12-1PM on Wed. in HSW 303****
* *
*Drop-in Editing Sessions*
1-3PM Tue-Fri in the Nursing Mezzanine

Other Wikipedians in the area are invited. Would be great to have
additional experienced Wikipedians for the editing sessions. Further
details and sign up here
James Heilman
MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian

The Wikipedia Open Textbook of Medicine

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