[Wikimedia-l] ombudsmen commission

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 17:50:12 UTC 2012

Risker, 23/04/2012 18:50:
> I don't think your correlation is correct.  Simply because they have not
> maintained a list of case dispositions (not required or expected to this
> point, and more particularly very difficult to do when there's no
> confidential place for them to retain it) does not mean that they have
> failed to do the job properly.

Well, personally I find it difficult to manahe such a number of requests 
in a collaborative way without a shared todo list. As Thogo said, the 
commission is looking for a way to self-organize in a more efficient way 
as the requests are scaling up compared to the past.

> I note the plan to create accesses to CRMs for "community" uses in Q3 of
> the draft Engineering annual plan.  I'd encourage the Ombudsman Committee
> to ask that they be put at the front of the line for access to this
> software.

I'm not sure we need new software, probably some suggestions by similar 
bodies would be enough (ArbComs, committees of all sorts, chapters' 
boards... we have lots of them).
However, you're right that 
<https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Engineering/2012-13_Goals> is 
very important and deserves more attention.


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