[Foundation-l] Image filter

Milos Rancic millosh at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 15:17:53 UTC 2011

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 14:03,  <me at marcusbuck.org> wrote:
> After some thinking I come to the conclusion that this whole
> discussion is a social phenomenon.
> You probably know how some topics when mentioned in newspaper articles
> or blogs spur wild arguments in the comments sections. When the
> article mentions climate change commentators contest the validity of
> the collected data, if it mentions religions commentators argue that
> religion is the root of all evil in the world, if it is about
> immigration commentators start to rant how immigrants cause trouble in
> society, if it is about renewable energies commentators tell us how
> blind society is to believe in its ecologicalness.
> ...

Although I belong to the group which doesn't care a lot about the
current implementation (I just want to see the end of this) and
although it doesn't seem that minority of editors is against (German
poll has shown that just tinny minority is in favor), your comparison
is flawed, as you are comparing mainstream-pushed opinion as something
good and that other opinion is something bad. The question is what
does mainstream pushes; the most of people usually don't oppose to
mainstream-pushed opinion, as they usually don't care. One thing is
climate changes, but the other is support to wars, for example. If
pushed by mainstream, both opinions would be opinions of majority, as

And, to be honest, I would be perfectly fine if majority really
supports the filter. However, that's not the case. Majority of editors
oppose. Obviously, majority of those who have small number of edits --
who represent specific part of readers, those who have opinion toward
Wikipedia articles, but who don't want to spend their time on editing
Wikipedia -- they are in favor. But, Wikimedia projects don't lay on
those people. We won't have any problem if they didn't make another
edit ever. We'll have problem if the core of community forks Wikimedia
projects, no matter would it be successful or not, as it would be
disaster for Wikimedia.

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