[Foundation-l] Image filter

Kim Bruning kim at bruning.xs4all.nl
Fri Sep 23 13:27:47 UTC 2011

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 09:01:54AM -0400, Sarah Stierch wrote:
> I'm not the only one, and again, I'M PUTTING MY TRUST, in WMF to make the
> decision. That's what I make donations to the foundation every month for.
> That's why I donate my time to contributing to Wikimedia projects.

Meh, they're nice, caring people, and I trust them a lot; but
sometimes they're on crack. Roughly as often as the community, I'd
say. ;-)

Sometimes the foundation has to push back a bit. Sometimes the 
community has to push back a bit too. Checks and Balances and all that.

We keep each other honest that way. :-)

	Kim Bruning


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