[Foundation-l] Possible solution for image filter

Tobias Oelgarte tobias.oelgarte at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 22 23:26:48 UTC 2011

Am 23.09.2011 01:21, schrieb Andreas Kolbe:
> And where would the problem be? If a user prefers to go to a Bowdlerised site like that,
> rather than wikipedia.org, where they will see the pictures unless they specifically ask not
> to see them, then that is their choice, and no skin off our noses.
> A.
The problem would be simple. The people that depend on one "provider" 
for internet access would have no other choice then to use a censored 
version. They type "en.wikipepedia.org", the local proxy redirects them 
to "filterpedia.org" which provides only the content which is not in one 
of the pre-choosen categories.

It's simple as that. They don't choose to use that site but they will be 
forced to. *We* would make that possible.

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