[Foundation-l] Possible solution for image filter

David Levy lifeisunfair at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 20:04:03 UTC 2011

David Gerard wrote:

> I don't see that Milos' proposal will be any more of a circus than any
> other proposed filtering plan (except "switch all images on/off") and
> it has the advantage of keeping the circus somewhere general users of
> the site don't need to be bothered.

I agree that Milos Rancic's model is no worse (and probably less bad)
than the one officially envisioned, but in my view, it still falls far
below the threshold of acceptability.

Another proposed implementation is technically feasible, maintains
neutrality, and includes functionality significantly more advanced
than "switch all images on/off":

> And if they actually square the circle and come up with something that
> doesn't fundamentally violate neutrality, then win.

We generally require evidence of viability before permitting the
creation of WMF projects or offshoots thereof.  Thus far, the
available evidence paints a picture in which the stated goal seems as
realistic as the aforementioned magical flying unicorn pony that shits

David Levy

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