[Foundation-l] Possible solution for image filter - magical flying unicorn pony that s***s rainbows

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 15:53:12 UTC 2011

On 21 September 2011 16:37, WereSpielChequers
<werespielchequers at gmail.com> wrote:

> But since Flickr has already proven that something like this can work in
> practice, can we agree to classify Image filters as one of those things that
> work in practice but not in theory? Then we can concentrate on the practical
> issue of if we decide to implement this, how do we do it better than Flickr
> has?

They do it by crowdsourcing a mass American bias, don't they?

An American POV being enforced strikes me as a problematic solution.

(I know that FAQ says "global community". What they mean is "people
all around the world who are Silicon Valley technologists like us -
you know, normal people." This approach also has a number of fairly
obvious problems.)

> PS My niece absolutely wants that magical flying unicorn pony for the winter
> solstice, especially if it s***s rainbows. Would you mind telling me where I
> can order one?

I suggest you pass a board resolution demanding one. When people
protest, tell them to just shut up and do their jobs.

- d.

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