[Foundation-l] 86% of german users disagree with the introduction of the personal image filter

Tobias Oelgarte tobias.oelgarte at googlemail.com
Fri Sep 16 10:50:21 UTC 2011

Am 16.09.2011 12:42, schrieb Milos Rancic:
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 12:39, emijrp<emijrp at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> I think that we can do a nice move here. We can enable image filter in
>> German Wikipedia for all those who don't want to see
>> copyrighted-images-for-German-law, meanwhile allowing other people to see
>> all Commons splendour. Using the image filter to improve the rights of
>> readers of German Wikipedia. Very cool, right? ; )
> Oh, you found the first useful purpose of the image filter!
He did not. Optionally hiding of the image wouldn't make it legal. The 
filter has nothing to do with this case.

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