[Foundation-l] A Wikimedia project has forked

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 10:49:43 UTC 2011

MZMcBride, 13/09/2011 00:24:
> Wikimedia has made its decision and the community has largely sat quiet on
> the issue.

Rectius: the Wikimedia Foundation (as you say below). Other Wikimedia 
people, groups and organizations don't think so and are even accused not 
to have the "legitimacy" (!) to invest resources (especially money) on 
projects other than Wikipedia. That's the message: working on 
non-Wikipedia projects is not only risky and probably useless (in terms 
of revenue) and anyway something we don't want to do ourself, but even 
I don't know, it might be right: nobody has the monopoly of the truth; 
but for this very reason, when I see such dogmas stated or implicitly 
assumed, I'm very worried that we might have overlooked something and be 
going to do something very wrong.

> Wikimedia has made it clear in promotional materials, donation
> drives, and nearly anywhere else that its focus is the English Wikipedia. Of
> all the criticisms you can make about the Wikimedia Foundation, I wouldn't
> say that "it's not being upfront about its intentions or motivations on this
> issue" is a valid one.


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