[Foundation-l] PG rating

Fae fae at wikimedia.org.uk
Tue Sep 13 10:19:02 UTC 2011

> Are there are pages on English Wikipedia that should be classified as PG?

Good candidates that I have had a hand in improving are:
# [[Gebelein predynastic mummies]] - surely gruesome close-ups of
naked dead bodies are PG?
# [[Warren Cup]] - explicit depiction of under-age homosexual anal sex
in the lead.
# [[Ain Sakhri lovers]] - depiction of penetrative heterosexual
intercourse in the lead.

The discussion of how to make Wikipedia "child-friendly" has a long
history with no firm conclusion. Some would like to effectively censor
massive areas of history and culture, whilst others will take any
potential restriction as a direct challenge to the open movement.


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