[Foundation-l] On curiosity, cats and scapegoats

Béria Lima berialima at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 08:30:07 UTC 2011

> *I do see two other problems with WLM, which are (...)  involvement of the
> chapters as a precondition
> *

Be organized by a Chapter is *not* a condition. The Andorra WLM is organized
by Amical<http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Associaci%C3%B3_Amical_Viquip%C3%A8dia>(who
is not a chapter). If any country want to participate next year, you
people don't want to have a chapter to organize it.
*Béria Lima*
<http://wikimedia.pt/>(351) 925 171 484

*Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter livre
acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. É isso o que estamos a
fazer <http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Nossos_projetos>.*

On 12 September 2011 06:49, Yaroslav M. Blanter <putevod at mccme.ru> wrote:

> On Mon, 12 Sep 2011 10:51:33 +0900, KIZU Naoko <aphaia at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Off topic alert:
> >
> > I haven't given a closer look to your main topic, Milos, so I cannot
> > give a responsible statement in any way. But your reference to Wiki
> > Loves Monuments, while I agree it's heavily Europe-focused, I strongly
> > disagree with you on its decadency, as an (retired) aesthetic. While
> > the determination what artworks are heavily depends on the community
> > to appreciate, so partly I understand your concern, if WLM is carried
> > on only by European chapter people, it can hardly of NPOV at some
> > future moment, but artworks belong to the critical part of "the sum of
> > human knowledge" along with the information who created them and then
> > have appreciated or rejected them.
> >
> Only countries which have lists of monuments compiled by the government
> and having the status of the law are eligible for WLM. This is in some
> sense POV but no more POV than say writing articles of members of
> parliament who were elected by direct vote. If Japan has such a list (I
> hope it does) next year it would be eligible to participate. My
> understanding is that somehow the organizers did not expect such interest
> and did not try to contact chapters outside Europe. Presumably next year
> they will do. On the other hand, by the next year some of the European
> countries may exhaust their monuments (in the sense that the most of the
> pictures will be taken and the articles written or judged to be impossible
> to write). Thus, NPOV does not seem to be a problem to me.
> I do see two other problems with WLM, which are (i) competition format,
> which implicitly stimulates certain strategies we normally do not want to
> stimulate; (ii) involvement of the chapters as a precondition - some
> countries do not have chapters, some chapters showed no interest, some were
> unable to organize anything in the end. But I am not sure such discussion
> belongs to this thread.
> Cheers
> Yaroslav
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