[Foundation-l] Tragedy: videos and slides from presentations Wikimanias (lately 2011 in Haifa)

Kim Bruning kim at bruning.xs4all.nl
Wed Sep 7 00:57:52 UTC 2011

On Tue, Sep 06, 2011 at 10:38:14PM +0200, Jan Kucera (Kozuch) wrote:
> Phoebe,
> as a board member, can you make sure no more decision on next Wikimania host is made unless something like a propper "conference content guideline" is created and made mandatory for the next host?
> My guideline proposal:
> - presentations have to made accesible under free license
> - host will put all presentations and video footage online within X days of end of conference (under free license again)
> I think this would be enough and any host would be happy to comply.

So far, only Kosovo and Albania would be capable of pulling it off though O:-)

	Kim Bruning (Who was very impressed by the FLOSSK folks)

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