[Foundation-l] Personal Image Filter results announced

Thomas Morton morton.thomas at googlemail.com
Tue Sep 6 15:10:54 UTC 2011

> The *first* instance to be asked about such thing are editors, not
> readers. I mean, the first question is "Do *we* want it?". Readers
> opinion could be one of the arguments in discussion; likely one of the
> most important ones; but decision should be on editors. And Board
> should act in opposition to editors just if there is serious threat
> for the project existence. However, nobody gave any reason in favor of
> avoiding editors' will in favor of Board's decision. Nothing rational,
> just personal wishes of a couple of people. And, again, if those
> wishes could pass without a lot of drama, I would be fine with it.
> However, that's not the case.

As always; I disagree with this view in the strongest possible way :)

Readers should always be our primary focus, and their needs should drive
everything we do - from editing/writing through to policy and technical
changes. They are our life blood and our reason for existing.

Just saying :)


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