[Foundation-l] Sue Gardener, Wikipedia's leading editor - wikileaks

Ziko van Dijk zvandijk at googlemail.com
Tue Sep 6 10:29:40 UTC 2011

Funny, These lines remind us that a lot of the "intelligence" work is
nothing more than reading the newspaper. No much real "leaking", one
might say.

Obviously, those writers love the word "leading" to make their readers
understand the importance of the news. :-)

Isn't it a problem in the English language that "editor" usually means
a person who is publishing, like the editor (publisher?) of a

Kind regards

2011/9/6 Marcin Cieslak <saper at saper.info>:
>>> Jimmy Wales <jwales at wikia-inc.com> wrote:
>> I was mentioned in a leaked US diplomatic cable - with my name spelled
>> wrong!
>> http://wikileaks.ch/cable/2008/11/08SANTIAGO1015.html
> What about this:
> Reference id: 09TELAVIV982
> Origin: Embassy Tel Aviv
> Time: Mon, 4 May 2009 10:30 UTC
> Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
> (...)
> Ha'aretz reported that Sue Gardner, Wikipedia's leading editor, who
> attended the Wikipedia Academy 2009 Conference in Israel this week,
> refuted claims by leading Israeli Internet researchers that
> WikipediaQs coverage of Israel-related issues is 'problematic.
> Gardener said that the Web site merely reflected public discourse.
> 'I know that more or less the same mistakes [on Wikipedia] can be
> found in The New York Times,' she was quoted as saying.
> http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=09TELAVIV982
> //Marcin
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Ziko van Dijk
The Netherlands

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