[Foundation-l] Personal Image Filter results announced

church.of.emacs.ml church.of.emacs.ml at googlemail.com
Sun Sep 4 21:48:02 UTC 2011

On 09/04/2011 09:57 PM, Thomas Dalton wrote:
> I never said there was anything wrong with the German Wikipedia. I was
> suggesting that swastikas might be something German people would want
> to filter out […]

An empirical assumption I disagree with. Most people are imho only
offended by swastikas if they are used for right-wing propaganda (i.e.
not for educational use).

My point was: The readership of German Wikipedia has far fewer people
who urgently demand such a feature than other language versions. That
should be kept in mind when looking at German Wikipedia's polls and it
should be accounted for when deciding if and where to deploy image filters.


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