[Foundation-l] Personal Image Filter results announced

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Sun Sep 4 20:12:54 UTC 2011

On 4 September 2011 20:57, Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton at gmail.com> wrote:

> I never said there was anything wrong with the German Wikipedia. I was
> suggesting that swastikas might be something German people would want
> to filter out, even if none of them are offended by sex, violence, or
> images of Muhammad. Even if that's not the case, there are all kinds
> of other things people might want to filter out. Sex, violence and
> Muhammad are just some of the most obvious examples, so they tend to
> be the ones we talk about.

Well, yes, quite plausibly (I'm not German so I can't say from
personal experience). That said, you can't go to an article called
[[Swastika]] and not expect to see swastikas, any more than you can go
to an article called [[Cock ring]] and not expect to see a cock ring.

The trouble is that at its edges, education is fundamentally
disconcerting, upsetting and subversive. And that this is a matter
only of degree, not of kind.

- d.

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