[Foundation-l] Letter to the community on Controversial Content

Kim Bruning kim at bruning.xs4all.nl
Tue Oct 11 14:33:28 UTC 2011

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 09:53:55PM -0400, Risker wrote:
> Kim, I am getting the impression you are being deliberately obtuse.  

No, I'm being exhaustive. I wanted to ensure that there is no hair
of a possibility that  I might have missed a good faith avenue.

(I wouldn't have asked this question if you hadn't said I was
stating nonsense)

> I cannot decide what is being blocked, as a bottom level user.
> Those decisions have been made at a sysadmin or software level. I
> can tell you my experiences as a user on those systems, but I do
> not have the information you seek, nor am I in a position to
> obtain it.

<flame on>
Therefore you cannot claim that I am stating nonsense. The inverse
is true: you do not possess the information to support your
position, as you now admit.

In future, before you set out to make claims of bad faith in others,
it would be wise to ensure that your own information is impeccable

	Kim Bruning


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