[Foundation-l] Given that we have won, can we turn Italian Wikipedia back on now?

Chris Keating chriskeatingwiki at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 10:51:59 UTC 2011

> Not so easy. Yesterday an amendment has been officially proposed, not
> approved. It will be discussed into the parliament camera, then into the
> parliament senate. Only if both will accept it without modifications it'll
> be valid.
> Also, the government may ask for trust at the parliament about this law,
> and
> in the case it will be approved in its original form, without amendments.
> Maybe your countries are more slender, but in Itlay we are very very
> burocratics.
> That's simply a step, not the goal

I agree with this.

It's very easy for politicians to say "Yes, we've heard what you have said
and your views are very important to us. We'll definitely think very hard
about taking your views into account." - and then completely ignore you.

Don't trust them :-)


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