[Foundation-l] Fundraising is for men

Till Mletzko till.mletzko at wikimedia.de
Wed Nov 30 07:52:56 UTC 2011


thanks for raising up the female donor issue. Based on the outcome of
our survey we think that getting more female donors is a critical point
for the success of Wikimedia fundraising in the future (of course this
means only if we can raise the ratio of female donors while not lowering
the male ratio).

WMDE has included in its test analysis the women ration
(http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising_2011/Local_testing/DE). We
are currently preparing some female appeals in order to find out if a
"female story/banner" has any effect on the donation outcome/gender ratio.

For this fundraiser we already raised the ratio to nearly 25 % compared
to 16 % last year. That´s good but it should be more.


Am 29.11.2011 23:59, schrieb rupert THURNER:
> fyi, in switzerland there are 2 mio readers and below 10000 donors ... this
> means more than 99% are not giving money.
> On Nov 29, 2011 11:21 PM, "emijrp" <emijrp at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2011/11/29 Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton at gmail.com>
>>> On 29 November 2011 21:51, emijrp <emijrp at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear all;
>>>> We have heard many times that most Wikipedians are male, but have you
>>> heard
>>>> about gender and fundraising? Some data from a 2010 study[1] and a 2011
>>>> German study[2] (question 20th of 22). People have said that Wikipedia
>>> is a
>>>> sexist place which excludes women to edit. Looks like women neither are
>>>> interested on editing nor funding free knowledge.
>>>> Is WMF working to increase female donors just like female editors?
>>> I think the first step would be to try and figure out if women are
>>> visiting the site and not donating or just not visiting at all.
>> So, the first step would be to try and figure out if women are visiting the
>> site and not editing or just not visiting at all, before saying nonsense
>> about sexism and Wikipedia community.
>>> You would also want to make sure there really is a significant
>>> imbalance and that it's not just that men are more likely to fill out
>>> the survey form.
>> That affects to all surveys, again.
>> Looks like people only care about surveys which say what they want to read.
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Till Mletzko
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