[Foundation-l] Image filter brainstorming: Personal filter lists

Andre Engels andreengels at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 09:34:16 UTC 2011

On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 3:12 AM, Jussi-Ville Heiskanen
<cimonavaro at gmail.com> wrote:

> I think the fundamental error in this reasoning is that you seem to under the
> impression that this is something new here that is considered, and that there
> have only been a few people commenting on these different schemes. The
> brutal fact is that during the seven or eight years this issue has reared its
> ugly head, thousands of people have opined on this issue, and a vast
> majority have a big opposition to any scheme, because it is at base
> against our core mission.

Our core mission is making information and knowledge available to
people who want it, not pushing it down their throats against their

André Engels, andreengels at gmail.com

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