[Foundation-l] Image filter brainstorming: Personal filter lists

Tobias Oelgarte tobias.oelgarte at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 24 14:59:08 UTC 2011

Am 24.11.2011 15:09, schrieb MZMcBride:
> Andreas K. wrote:
>> The way this would work is that each project page would have an "Enable
>> image filtering" entry in the side bar. Clicking on this would add a "Hide"
>> button to each image displayed on the page. Clicking on "Hide" would then
>> grey the image, and automatically add it to the user's personal filter list.
> I think this sounds pretty good. Is there any indication how German
> Wikipedians generally view an implementation like this? I can't imagine
> English Wikipedians caring about an additional sidebar link/opt-in feature
> like this.
>> Apart from enabling users to hide images and add them to their PFL as they
>> encounter them in surfing our projects, users would also be able to edit
>> the PFL manually, just as it is possible to edit one's watchlist manually.
>> In this way, they could add any image file or category they want to their
>> PFL. They could also add filter lists precompiled for them by a third
>> party. Such lists could be crowdsourced by people interested in filtering,
>> according to whatever cultural criteria they choose.
> Some sort of subscription service would work well here, right? Where the
> list can auto-update from a central list on a regular basis. I think that's
> roughly how in-browser ad block lists work. Seems like it could work well.
> Keep who pulls what lists private, though, I suppose.
>> For unregistered users, their PFL could be stored in a cookie.
> I'm not sure you'd want to put it in a cookie, but that's an implementation
> detail.
> Watchlist editing is generally based on looking at titles. I don't suppose
> you'd want a gallery of hidden images, but it would make filter-list editing
> easier, heh.
> MZMcBride
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I'm a little bit confused by this approach. On the one side it is good 
to have this information stored privately and personal, on the other 
side we encouraging the development of filter lists and the tagging of 
possibly objectionable articles. The later wouldn't be private at all 
and even worse then tagging single images. In fact it would be some kind 
of additional force to ban images from articles just to keep them in the 
"clean" section.

Overall i see little to now advantage over the previously supposed 
solutions. It is much more complicated, harder to implement, more 
resource intensive and not a very friendly interface for readers.

My proposal would be: Just give it up and find other ways to improve 
Wikipedia and to make it more attractive.


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