[Foundation-l] Who *doesn't* suffer from adminitis these days?

とある白い猫 to.aru.shiroi.neko at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 19:33:21 UTC 2011

On the bright side, this does reduce the cost of space exploration with
cheaper access to low earth orbit. :)

The problem is adminship became something like knighthood even though it is
barely significant. Perhaps more admin tools should be available to those
"worthy" such as how rollback became no big deal.

Also maybe calling them "administrators" is a problem. Original SysOp
sounds less authoritarian. I know administrator also means Janitor in
English but I noticed the problem when newbies, particularly non-native
speakers perceive the status.

Another point I like to make is how BJODAN was removed. Indeed it was a
problem and its removal was more or less a blessing but the wiki became too
serious business (intentional LOLCAT reference).

These are just a few ideas to consider...

  -- とある白い猫  (To Aru Shiroi Neko)

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 21:52, Kim Bruning <kim at bruning.xs4all.nl> wrote:

> In reference to people wanting to be nicer to newbies, (and next to the
> obvious step of us really needing
> to make it more frelling obvious that YES YOU CAN EDIT)
> ... that doesn't help much if the entire community has come down with
> adminitis and kicks anyone who
> tries to edit out of the wiki and up into low earth orbit.
>        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Adminitis
> So qua editor retention, 2 things are needed:
> * Make editing more obvious and easy, and bring the fun back. :-)
> * Work on The Cure For Adminitis (tm). O:-)
> sincerely,
>         Kim Bruning
> --
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