[Foundation-l] Wikipedia ideology

Marco Chiesa chiesa.marco at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 17:33:11 UTC 2011

On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 1:58 PM, Peter Damian
<peter.damian at btinternet.com> wrote:
> If you ask why, I reply that no method has yet been devised
> to give attribution to the author of a work in a way that advances
> their career.  I will earn little or no money from either work, I
> imagine.  Note that Andrew Lih's book, which I have ordered
> from Waterstone's, is also under a standard copright license.
> At least I assume - I paid good money for it, because it
> was not available any other way.

There is a fundamental difference between publishing a book and
publishing an article (or part thereof) on an encyclopedia. When you
publish a book, your name is on the cover, you are clearly indicated
as the author (or one of the authors). When you write an article for
an encyclopedia, your name is not necessarily at the end of the
article, it could be in the credits somewhere, and in any case the
article will be attributed to the encyclopedia Xyz. Note that this is
independent of the license. A publisher and an author may have a very
good reason to reserve rights and refuse a free license - we all need
to pay our bills.

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