[Foundation-l] [WikiEN-l] Newbie recruitment: referencing

Nathan nawrich at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 12:53:02 UTC 2011

It would be handy to have sites usable as references build-in code for
easy Wikipedia citations, but it seems pretty unlikely that such an
effort will ever recruit enough sites to be really useful. A
greasemonkey script of some sort would be easier and would allow users
basically the same functionality.

On the other hand, the OP is about recruiting newbies. While probably
many references added using a QuickRef style tool would be of dubious
quality, it would make it *a lot* easier to add refs, work as a draw
for new editors, and reinforce the need for references generally. I
wish we didn't always have to dispense with this tired argument that
making editing easier will inundate the projects with idiots. Easy and
open editing is the ethos that built the whole project.

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