[Foundation-l] Newbie recruitment: referencing

Mateus Nobre mateus.nobre at live.co.uk
Wed Nov 2 22:32:16 UTC 2011

Loving these discussions about newbie recuitment.

This tool have to be available for everyone, not as a gagdet for logged users. Mostly newbies don't even know what is a gagdet. This have to be available to IPs and all users.
The idea by clicking in ''citation needed'' was the first great one here. You're awesome, guys.
But I thought something about a tool in the edition box. A tool aside the edition box sayin ''Put your source here'', and the newbie would put just the URL and then, would appear some blank lines for Author, Date, etc.. Just the essential ones. Have to be fast, instictive, and no-boring at all.

MetalBrasil on Wikimedia projects
(+55) 85 88393509

> Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 17:41:20 -0400
> From: nawrich at gmail.com
> To: foundation-l at lists.wikimedia.org
> Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] Newbie recruitment: referencing
> I knew it looked so obvious someone must've already tried to do it.
> See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:ProveIt.jpg and
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:ProveIt_GT. This is a GUI reference
> adding interface that shows up while editing (i.e., after you click
> "edit this page.") It's a gadget currently available to everyone.
> A gadget is certainly handy and I'll be using ProveIt from now on,
> but... it doesn't help people who are not logged in or have never
> edited before, it's not widely publicised, etc. etc.
> ~Nathan
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