[Foundation-l] Office Hours

MZMcBride z at mzmcbride.com
Wed Nov 2 01:19:14 UTC 2011

Oliver Keyes wrote:
> Brandon, Howie, Fabrice and I will be holding a second Office Hours session
> on the new Article Feedback Tool on Thursday 3 November. This will be at
> 24:00 UTC, which works out at 4pm PST and 11pm GMT. This timing is designed
> to allow east coast editors, who would be at work during the normal time
> periods, to attend. I hope to see you all there :).

Using 00:00 or 24:00 is strongly discouraged (some people go so far as to
say that these times don't exist), as they create unnecessary confusion.
Please use 23:59 or 00:01 in the future. :-)


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