[Foundation-l] VPAT

FT2 ft2.wiki at gmail.com
Sun Feb 20 10:36:35 UTC 2011

Spreading free knowledge implies a good free knowledge infrastructure,
including reputable free knowledge tools. We don't need the US govt to use
any given software, it pays to make it as widely usable and not block
ourselves from any major group who might want to try using Mediawiki.

Not least 1/ the US govt is not the only such body (other groups receiving
federal funds?) and 2/ we ourselves have a genuine interest in ensuring we
think hard how those with disabilities experience Wikimedia in everyday use,
when creating our platform.


On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 7:51 AM, Ting Chen <wing.philopp at gmx.de> wrote:

> Since we are not funded by the government and we have no relation what
> so ever with the US government I don't see what VPAT has any relevance
> to us. If the US government think MediaWiki doesn't fulfill the
> condition, they had to use another wiki engine I am afraid.
> Greetings
> Ting

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