[Foundation-l] Smurfs Movie is infringing on wikipedia copyright

Kim Bruning kim at bruning.xs4all.nl
Tue Dec 20 01:47:58 UTC 2011

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 01:35:03PM +0000, David Gerard wrote:
> On 18 December 2011 12:38, Mike  Dupont <jamesmikedupont at googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Ok. I understand that. Maybe I am getting upset over nothing, but when
> > it comes to shutting down people who copy small clips and snippets
> > from movies, it seems that the industry also shows no mercy.
> It would be interesting for press coverage. "Well, in real life of
> course, they'd check with legal. But you can in fact reuse many images
> because of free licensing etc NASA public domain blah blah." Might
> provide a useful educational hook.

Let's look at this with the glass half full:

This time, we already did the deal, but in future, couldn't we ask people to do stuff like a
"the Smurfs explain Free Licensing" PSA in return? ;-)

And if you don't smurf smurfs, surely we could smurf something smurfy like this in the
next deal to smurf along?  ;-)

	Kim Bruning


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