[Foundation-l] How SOPA will hurt the free web and Wikipedia

Kim Bruning kim at bruning.xs4all.nl
Thu Dec 15 02:33:03 UTC 2011

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 02:49:00AM +0000, Thomas Dalton wrote:
> I would say that "technically" Jimmy's statement that it was just an
> informal poll to decide whether it is worth discussing further is binding.
> Someone acting on that poll alone might get away with it, but it would
> "technically" be out-of-process.

([[WP:NBD]] on anything being binding)

We have a poll that shows we have a rough consensus right off the bat.

No elaborate rituals are needed, we already know that people will
tend to agree on our next action.

We can proceed to discuss means and methods and triggers, and -if
requested- run a 2nd poll at the end of that to ensure we have indeed
improved consensus by taking as many people into account as possible.

This can be done by the end of next week even, if folks are 
willing to assume good faith and work on things.

No faster than prudent,
no slower than necessary.
That's the wiki way. :-)

That, and remember that it is preferable to stage a protest BEFORE passage of
the bill. :-P

	Kim "Kids these days, get off my lawn!" Bruning 

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