[Foundation-l] How SOPA will hurt the free web and Wikipedia

Kim Bruning kim at bruning.xs4all.nl
Thu Dec 15 00:06:39 UTC 2011

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 11:57:51PM +0000, Fae wrote:
> On 14 December 2011 22:42, Kim Bruning <kim at bruning.xs4all.nl> wrote:
> No. My opinion was on the straw man as stated, not for some later
> re-interpretation.

Um, You opposed the straw man as stated. If you strike your position,
then I'd interpret that as not wanting to stop it. ;-)

( Hmm, only american topic articles? That'd be tricky )

For the record, I have my reservations too.

> None of the !votes were for a carte blanche to proceed with action. A
> consensus would have to be gained for any particular proposal.

The positions in general seem to be in favor of action, albeit not
carte blanche.

But like I said, TECHNICALLY, if someone were to (unwisely) proceed to
take an action right right now, they'd probably survive running the
proverbial gauntlet (RFC) by the skin of their teeth. My
interpretation (a subtly different thing from 'opinion' ;-) is that there
is sufficient consensus to move as it stands. I agree that that is not
quite what this poll says, but it is something one can infer.

You might disagree perhaps, but in the end only the post-action RFC would show
which of us was actually right in such a case. Let's hope it doesn't
quite happen that way.

At any rate, it seems wise to discuss the constraints within which
en.wikipedia should act. As the discussion progresses, the odds of
successful action increase.

	Kim bruning

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