[Foundation-l] Automatic rejection

Maarten Dammers maarten at mdammers.nl
Sat Apr 30 17:38:53 UTC 2011


The Wikimedia announce list has foundation-l as reply-to:  I just 
replied to a mail Pavel send to the announce list and got this message:

Due to a large amount of spam, emails from non-members of this list
are now automatically rejected. If you have a valuable contribution to
the list but would rather not subscribe to it, please send an email to
foundation-l-owner at lists.wikimedia.org  and we will forward your post
to the list. Please be aware that all messages to this list are
archived and viewable for the public. If you have a confidential
communication to make, please rather emailinfo at wikimedia.org

That's very annoying and confusing. I now had to subscribe to a list on which I don't want to be to get my message through. I propose to either:
* Set a different reply-to: for the announce list
* Don't auto reject messages


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