[Foundation-l] Letter to Baidu and press release "Baidu Baike copies content from Wikipedia without attribution" draft / 百度百科多次侵犯維基百科版權之新聞稿及至百度信件草擬本

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki at gmail.com
Sun Apr 24 08:20:39 UTC 2011

HW, 24/04/2011 06:05:
> Baidu Baike started in April 2006, and has included 3 million more articles now.
> However, Wikipedian's investigation shows that among these articles more than
> 16,000,000 were copied from Chinese, English or Japenese Wikipedia,[...]

There's something wrong here (perhaps it's just the translation). 
16,000,000 articles ⊈ 3,000,000 articles.


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