[Foundation-l] Baidu Baike attribution and Copyright

HW waihorace at yahoo.com.hk
Fri Apr 22 13:34:01 UTC 2011

Dear all,

Sorry, but the article is out of update. According 
to http://www.baidu.com/search/baike_help.html#百科协议 , Baidu Baike has changed to 
use the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND. Also, it said:

* Use of non-commercial use should give the author name and Baidu Baike
* Use of commercial use should ask for author's permission, and state the author 
name also Baidu Baike
* Use outside Baidu Baike must be the same meaning of the author, and also ask 
for Baidu's permissions

So, I don't think that Baidu Baike will change their copyright notice and 
Wikipedia will continue to mark them as copyvio. Due to this issues, the 
copyright related page of Wikipedia is updating. However, the problem is they 
copy the content from Wikipedia and ever from English and Japanese Wikipedia. 
Search WP:BD and WP:BAIDU on Chinese Wikipedia for more details.

Editor of Chinese Wikipedia

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