[Foundation-l] Baidu Baike & Wikipedia 百度百科與維基百科 (英文)

RYU Cheol rcheol at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 04:16:47 UTC 2011

RIght, WMF is not the copyright holder of articles as Free Software
Foundation is not of GPLed source codes.

Though WMF could give legal help for a Wikipedian to file a law suit or WMF
could be an agent for the Wikipedian,
WMF need to approach Baidu to discuss about attribution. I don't think Baidu
has so much difficulties to do it.


2011/4/19 Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton at gmail.com>

> 2011/4/19 Dana Lutenegger <dana.lutenegger at gmail.com>:
> > Actually, I'm pretty sure that on paper, Chinese law forbids this kind of
> > copying without attribution. The issue is whether or not it can be
> enforced
> > in practice. If it was strictly enforced, a lot of Baidu Baike and Hudong
> > Wiki would have to be seriously retooled, so I doubt it. However, there
> have
> > been recent cases in which copyright infringement claims have been upheld
> by
> > Chinese courts, such as the infamous "Starbuck" coffee chain in Shanghai.
> I
> > think that our legal counsel should at least be in touch with Baidu on
> this,
> > and perhaps try to get them to take down the material, attribute it
> > properly, or agree to the donation or apology letter ideas.
> The Starbuck case would be trademark infringement, not copyright, so
> isn't a particularly useful precedent. I believe China has similar
> copyright laws to the rest of the world, though (our article says they
> have signed several international agreements on the subject:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellectual_property_in_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China
> ).
> Keep in mind, the WMF isn't the copyright holder, so there is a limit
> to what the WMF's legal counsel can do. He could have a quiet word,
> though, which could help.
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