[Foundation-l] Archiving wikis

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 21:54:52 UTC 2011

emijrp, 18/04/2011 20:57:
> Hi Nemo. It is a great idea, but it needs a lot of resources (space
> and bandwidth).
> By the way, MediaWiki includes dumpBackup.php to make wiki backups.
> But people do not use it, and do not publish backups. If we make an
> extension or feature (disabled by deault), it is the same problem.
> Only a few persons are going to care about enable it and publishing
> backups.

Well, apart from the central repository, it could even be enabled by 
default if the wiki is under a free license, given that dumps of small 
wikis are so small after compression.


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