[Foundation-l] Board Resolution: Openness

Samuel Klein sj at wikimedia.org
Fri Apr 8 21:27:29 UTC 2011

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Marc Riddell <michaeldavid86 at comcast.net> wrote:
> Thank you, all, for this. This resolution is great news; and a great
> commitment of support for the Wikipedia Project, as well as for the
> individual Community Members who are at the heart of it.

That's welcome feedback, Marc.  Half of the board meeting in Berlin
two weeks ago was devoted to discussing ways to better help the
community and contributors; this point was important enough to have a
separate meeting about it today.

There is now a page on the strategy wiki to summarize and link to
related proposals and essays.  Please feel free to add to it:



PS - I would like to give props to the Audit Committee, which does
great and sometimes less visible work -- they compile an annual risks
assessment, which thoughtfully addresses things far outside the realm
of financial risk.  "Declining participation" was the top risk in late
2009, and helped drive related strategic research and discussion.
Thanks to that group for helping to focus attention on this.

Samuel Klein          identi.ca:sj           w:user:sj          +1 617 529 4266

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