[Foundation-l] WikiGuide on Wikisource

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 11:41:30 UTC 2011

Lennart Guldbrandsson, 06/04/2011 20:50:
 > In the future, please remember to put any of these on the Bookshelf at
 > http://bookshelf.wikimedia.org.

We always do, as you can see in the various subpages; we were just 
waiting for an English translation. :-)

David Gerard, 07/04/2011 08:48:
 > So I see. Do the obvious and click on "Wikipedia" and I get ... a 
deleted page!


Lennart Guldbrandsson, 07/04/2011 13:23:
> Yes, well, the Wikipedia stuff is on the main page that I linked you to. But
> as I said, I need to reorganize it a little bit more before it's
> presentable.

I've just moved it back to the subpage to avoid link rot and restored 
the history for attribution, but we're OT here; see 


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