[Foundation-l] Foundation too passive, wasting community talent

Amir E. Aharoni amir.aharoni at mail.huji.ac.il
Tue Apr 5 08:48:32 UTC 2011

2011/4/5 David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com>
> On 5 April 2011 03:02, MZMcBride <z at mzmcbride.com> wrote:
> > A lot of the projects that Wikimedia is investing in today are small and
> > focused on particular needs of the Wikimedia Foundation, not the Wikimedia
> > community. One example might be an article feedback tool that's largely
> > focused on ensuring that Wikimedia fulfills its Public Policy grant
> > requirements rather than actually being a useful tool for rating and
> > evaluating articles. (Imagine if you could find the most fascinating
> > articles, similar to ted.com's system; now look at what Wikimedia has
> > implemented.)
> *cough* From 2005:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:David_Gerard/1.0
> Magnus put together a quick version, but Brion didn't like the code
> and it never happened. However, mine is just one such proposal.
> Article rating has been a wanted feature for *years*.

... And in the Hungarian Wikipedia it was even implemented quite a
long time ago. If i recall correctly, at some point i saw it in the
Polish, too.

Amir Elisha Aharoni · אָמִיר אֱלִישָׁע אַהֲרוֹנִי
"We're living in pieces,
 I want to live in peace." - T. Moore

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