[Foundation-l] Wiki-revolution

Gustavo Carrancio gustavocarra at gmail.com
Sat Apr 2 15:54:48 UTC 2011

Well, as far as I see, it seems to be a charming, naïf initiative, but very
interesting anyway. Destour has a local and not easy to translate meaning. I
think it means both a political party involved in Tunis independence and
also an aspirtation to become a constitutional country. I don't really know
if this initiative is lead by members or supporters of the former Destourist
Socialist Party.

Anyway, the draft seems to be like an old constitutional text shown in their
wiki  in order to take it as an starting point. If I were to launch such an
idea, I also shall put some discussion about political, constitutional and
comparative law, and not just a draft. This worries me a little bit.

But the statement that the purpose of this initiative is *exerting your
citicenship* by taking part in the new constitution discussion and
developement is a very inspirating one.

2011/4/2 Dror Kamir <dqamir at bezeqint.net>

> Hello,
> I found this link *http://destour.org *on the Wikipedia-ar mailing list,
> and thought it might interest people who don't speak Arabic as well.
> This is a Wiki inviting Tunisian citizens to write the country's new
> constitution the Wiki way. The site is entirely in Arabic and it
> includes a constitution draft, which the Tunisian public is supposed to
> change and amend collaboratively. According to their "about", this is an
> initiative of the Tunisian Internet Association (/Jam'iyat Tunis
> lil-Internet/), which is a non-official non-profit Tunisian
> organization. According to them, the project is run by volunteers.
> To be honest, I don't give much chance to this initiative, but it is an
> interesting development nonetheless. As far as I remember, Florence told
> me about similar initiative in France by the French government, but it
> seems to be the first of its kind in the Arab world. Perhaps the close
> cultural ties between Tunisia and France played a role here, but this is
> nothing more than a speculation.
> Dror K
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